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Garden & Horticultural SocietyBeautifying Richmond Hill since 1914

Water for House Plants

September 24, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

For those of you who took some of your indoor plants out for the summer you now find that as the growing season draws to a close, you will need to start bringing those house plants back indoors. Most house and tropical plants prefer non-chlorinated water at room temperature. You’ll find that most tap water is chlorinated.

I find the following activities help settle my indoor plants for the winter, whether to go dormant or to continue to grow as tropical plants.

  • Collect rainwater in containers to use indoors. Let it reach room temperature and set the containers aside using as needed indoors.
  • Condition the plants for the indoors by first bringing them into the garage or any sheltered place.
  • Stop fertilizing and reduce watering, using the collected rainwater, which is now at room temperature. Don’t do this step if you are growing them as tropical plants in the house.
  • If you run out of rainwater in the winter months, have a small bucket in the bathroom to collect the cold water that is wasted when the tap is running for hot water and let it sit for at least twenty-four hours. Then use it for the plants.
  • Remember to let the soil dry out to about 1/2 inch deep when dipped with the finger or use a meter before you water the plants.
  • Give them the required light conditions and move them around if they are getting leggy.
  • Keep an eye out for bugs.

Article by Rahe Richards, a member for Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society

Member of the Ontario Horticultural Association

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