Jan 14 |
Feb 4 |
Chris Kingdon If you have a garden, you likely have a 'problem' area. Perhaps it's too wet, constantly flooding in the spring thaw or after a heavy summer storm. Or perhaps it's too dry, with the soil turning to cracked... |
Mar 4 |
Patterson Webster Tonight's speaker encourages us to go beyond endeavoring to make our gardens look beautiful, to additionally making our garden spaces distinctly our own. In this inspirational program, ...
Apr 1 |
Carson Arthur Television personality Carson Arthur observes that today's homeowners want to make better choices outdoors, especially when it comes to the environment. He will share new studies and findings... |
May 6 |
Special Exhibits Heather Gray Horticultural and Floral Design Judge Heather Gray will explore the different types of Special Exhibits specified in typical Flower Show Schedules, and share tips for creating these combining both...
Jun 3 |
Tony Spencer Tonight, wildscaping guru Tony Spencer, aka, The New Perennialist, will share ideas to link our homes and landscapes in a symbiotic loop that stimulates garden-spaces adaptable to the inevitable... |
Jul 8 |
Heather Auld Tonight's speaker asserts that gardeners and farmers are optimists, as they plant and tend their land, hoping for the right temperatures at the right time, sufficient rainfall, less destructive storms, ... |
Aug 5 |
Karen Hollingshead Late summer is a great time to learn how to preserve the bounty produced from our gardens. Tonight's speaker will cover techniques such as dehydrating, freezing, preserving and canning; and... |
Sep 2 |
Claudette Sims Invasive plants are considered by many to be a threat to biodiversity, human health, and our economy. And, they threaten native plants, insects, animals, and our forests. So why are they sold in nurseries? |
Oct 7 |
Kiki Alwan Tonight's speaker invites us to dive into the enchanting world of indoor flowering plants. Her presentation will focus on orchids and other stunning bloomers. We will gain insights into their care, ... More information |
Nov 4 |
Society members are encouraged to share their non-gardening interests at this highly social and less structured event. Some of our talented exhibitors sell items which then become unique gifts. There will be a call for participants this summer. |
Dec 2 |
Please check back this summer for information about our 2025 event. |