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Garden & Horticultural SocietyBeautifying Richmond Hill since 1914

Composting in the Garage

February 25, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

With the deep snow fall we have had recently - and there may still more come - I found it difficult to take my kitchen scraps to my composter in the backyard. Instead of throwing the scraps in the green bin, I started composting in my garage!  Here’s how I did it:

  • I lined a large rubber bin with plastic. Try using a large black garbage bag as black helps composting go faster.
  • Then I hand shredded some newspapers and stored them in a box beside my lined rubber bin.
  • When the small recycling container under my sink fills up, I take it to the garage and put the food scraps in the bin. Then cover them with some shredded newspaper. The recycling container goes back under the sink where it can gather more scraps.
  • In the spring, I’ll take everything in the “interim” composter (i.e. the lined rubber bin) and add its composting scraps and shredded newspapers to my normal backyard composter.

So far, it is working like a charm! And I’ll be able to put the scraps to good use as compost for my gardens this spring and summer.

Submmitted by Rahe RIchards,  a member of the RIchmond hill Garden & Horticultural Society

Member of the Ontario Horticultural Association

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