A Beginner’s Guide from Doreen Coyne
Invasive plants are generally not native to our area. Because of that they do not have natural predators that would help control their spread. Thus they can grow quickly using natural resources in the area to spread quickly. This allows them to outcompete native species. They are also adaptable and have the ability to transform entire ecosystems. And it's not just plants!
The City of Richmond Hill has been issuing ways to manage invasive species (plants, insects, etc.) throughout the city and has developed strategic approaches to manage their impact. Over the last 2 years, they’ve provided notices and even burlap wraps to help with such things as Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and LDD moth (Lymantria dispar dispar), previously known as Gypsy Moth. Their website offers good advice to help you know what is invasive and what alternatives you might use instead.
For residents who are looking to manage an invasive species on their own property, they advise visiting this web site - Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) - to get helpful resources such as guides to manage and control invasive plants.
More generally, they offer these three ways that you can help reduce the impact of invasive species:
· Plant native: When gardening, choose native plants in your landscaping. There are native plant alternatives to many invasive plants that we might find “too pretty” Read the Grow Me Instead Guide which provides alternatives that are better suited to Richmond Hill’s growing conditions.· Know and report invasive species: Become familiar with common invasive species in Richmond Hill and report them when you encounter them on the trail or in the water. · Stay on the trails: When visiting Richmond Hill’s Parks, Trail and Natural Areas stay on the trails to reduce the spread or introduction of seeds in natural habitats. Make sure to clean your footwear and equipment before going from one natural area to another. This includes cleaning bikes, boats, fishing equipment, ATVs and other recreational equipment.
For more information visit the sites listed in the article as well as at these pages:
- Invasive Species: City of Richmond Hill’s website at this link
- Gardening Tip: Garlic Mustard. Oh oh. See this link
- Watch the OHA’s Earth Day Speaker’ Presentation. Dr. Michael McTavish spoke on Jumping Worms on April 21, 2023 and permitted the OHA to record his talk so it could be shared with all of the Societies/Clubs in Ontario as these invasive worms outcompete other earthworms and their castings degrade soil quality, leaving it inhospitable to many native plant species and susceptible to increased erosion. Watch the video at this link: https://youtu.be/3JZIhklh0-0

Members' only articles:
- OIPC Helps Take Action Against Invasive Plants. The Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) is an incorporated, non-profit, multi-agency organiza-tion founded in April 2007 by a group of individuals and organizational representatives who saw the need for a coordinated provincial response to the growing threat of invasive plants…. See page 6 in the May/June 2021 newsletter. Use this link.
- More on Jumping Worms! The article in the May/June 2022 Issue of The Garden Post got the jump on these bugs and how to control them. Check it out at this link.